29 February 2016

It's Almost Easter ...

Easter is a religious holiday celebrated by Christians. Once a year Christians celebrate the story of Jesus Christ and his resurrection after execution. The day is also one that features Easter egg decorating and the Easter egg hunt. However you choose to celebrate Easter it's a great time to spend together with friends and family, enjoying one another's company and a great meal.

Chocolate, colored eggs, cute little bunnies! Easter has always been an exciting time of year for me. I remember that every year, when I was growing up, my family would spend a few hours on Friday or Saturday night just before Easter Sunday coloring and decorating Easter eggs. We always had a lot of fun!

I also remember that my mom enjoyed making special baskets for each of us that would be filled with candy and chocolates. She would hide each basket somewhere in the house, but leave a trail of marshmallows that went from our bed to where the baskets were  hidden. What fun!

These fun activities are just some of the things that usually come to mind when we think of Easter, but there’s more! These things aren’t really the reason we celebrate Easter every year.

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