06 November 2016

My Favourite Bath Recipes

There is something special in taking a bubble bath.
It is time for ourselves when we can relax at the end of a long and stressful day.
Even though we may not notice it, our body absorbs all the stress we go through during the day. Taking a long, relaxing bath relaxes the aching muscles and soothes the skin.
Preparing a bubble bath recipe will take you a few minutes. Then, put aside an hour for yourself. Prepare a bath, light some candles, and soak in.

Honey Milk Bath ...

2 cups of milk

1 cup of honey
1/4 of a cup of baking soda
1 cup of salt (sea salt, Epsom, or if you don't have any other kind, regular salt)
1/2 cup of baby oil (Johnson's is just fine)
A few drops of your favourite essential oil.
Combine honey, milk, salt and baking soda in a bowl. Add to running water. Finally, add the baby oil and essential oil.

Lavender Bath Oil ...

1/2 cup of Castor oil

1 teaspoon of lavender essential oil
Blend the two oils in a jar and add to the bath. That's it. You can keep the oil in a jar with a tight lid and make sure you keep it in a dry, dark place.

Cleopatra's Milk Bath ...

Milk based skin care has been around for a long time. Milk is full of ingredients that are beneficial to the skin. After intense physical exercise, for example, our muscles create lactic acid which dissolves the bond that holds dead cells of the skin. Milk penetrates the skin's deepest layers and thus help, its nutrition.
Milk contains vitamins A and E known to have a positive effect on the complexion. After using it on the face, the skin looks rested.
The proteins contained in milk, smooth the skin, and enzymes help its rejuvenation. Milk containing a high percent of milk fat is a good way to go in helping dry skin, regain its moisture.
As a rule, if you are allergic to milk or lactose intolerant, do not use it. Also, if you are diabetic, it is not desirable to take long, hot baths.
Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt, has been credited as the founder of milk based skin care. One of the best known recipes is the milk bath she made famous.

There are many variations on the recipe, but it all boils down to adding either milk or butter milk to a bath. It is recommended that you use milk with a higher percent of fat as it helps the effect: making the skin, feel smooth and silky. You can add as much as 5 cups of milk/buttermilk. Soak for about 30 minutes. Rub the skin using a washcloth or simply rinse off.

Foaming Vanilla Bath ...

Foaming vanilla bath indulges your body and your skin. It is relaxing and soothing.
It is made with vanilla extract that can be bought in any of the health food stores.
It has to be made with 35% alcohol to qualify as an extract.
Vanilla is probably one of the most recognized flavours and scents around. It was well known of in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica before being introduced in Europe.
After that, vanilla found its way to food, drinks, cosmetics, and for us most important, skin care.
Vanilla is said to be good for the overall sense of well-being. It evokes good memories, smells like home. It is warm and inviting.
Some believe it is an aphrodisiac, although the science has not recognized it as such.

1 cup oil (any vegetable oil)
1/2 c. liquid soap 1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup honey (optional)
Blend the ingredients together. Shake well before using. Use 1/4 cup per bath.

Pina Colada Bath ...

Pina colada bath is a perfect for those long, sun deprived winter days. It is adventurous, new, and wonderful!
This recipe contains baking soda which is a base that regulates the skin's pH returning it to normal.
Pineapple is a great source of Vitamin C that helps cleanse the skin and Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) which is essential for proper growth and development of body's systems, skin system included.
1 can of coconut milk
3 tablespoons of baking soda
Shot of rum (optional)
1 and half cups of pineapple juice (or 3 capfuls of pineapple extract)

Before using the coconut milk, shake the can well. You should expect to hear a slushy sound. If not, that means that the milk has settled and is not good to use.Pour the coconut milk into running water and then add the rest of the ingredients.


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